The plots in this gallery have been generated in R from my Strava running data. I have incorporated the code behind most of these plots into an R package called strava, which is available on GitHub ( Instructions for using the package are provided in the README, and Lidia Contreras has also written an instructional blog post using her own Strava data.
Plan profiles of all my runs (2012-2017) plotted as small multiples. The concept behind this plot was originally inspired by Sisu.

Elevation profiles for my 2017 runs.

2012-2017 runs plotted in plan.

A GitHub style calendar showing daily distance in kilometres.

A ridgeline plot indicating the time of the day I tend to run on each day of the week.

Elevations 2
Elevation profiles superimposed.

Packed circles
Each run is a circle. Run distance is mapped to circle area.